Heating Oil Systems FAQ's


Here are some of our most Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I know when I need to order oil?

The easiest way to know when you need oil is to enroll in our free automatic delivery service, where Stamford Home Oil monitors your usage and delivers oil automatically. Should you choose to monitor your oil tank yourself and schedule deliveries, we suggest setting up a routine (like each week when you set out your trash cans) to check your oil gauge on the top of your tank. Schedule a delivery when your tank falls below ¼ full. Broken oil gauges should be repaired immediately to avoid a run out.

What methods of payment do you accept?

Stamford Home Oil accepts credit or debit cards over the phone, cash, and personal checks or money orders.

What happens if I run out of oil? Does it damage my heating unit?

Your heating unit will stop running and you will need to order more oil. Running out may not cause damage, but it can cause inconvenience and expense associated with dirty filters and/or air trapped in the oil line.

I received an oil delivery, but my heating unit won’t start. Why?

If you ran out of oil, the furnace may have to be restarted. Restarting the furnace can often be as simple as pushing the reset button on the oil burner (see Manufacturer instructions). If that does not work, your oil line may need to be “bled” (primed) and restarted and/or have the filters changed. Stamford Home Oil offers emergency service for our oil delivery customers if you need help to restart your furnace. 

Is there a minimum gallon oil delivery?

Yes, Stamford Home Oil’s minimum oil delivery is 100 gallons.

How long after I complete my order will you deliver my oil?

If you choose to phone in your oil delivery requests with per-delivery billing (cash or check upon delivery), we would be happy to accommodate you, but please be aware that these deliveries require 48 hours’ notice, though you may receive your fuel sooner if scheduling permits. Same day deliveries are subject to a surcharge, and if your system has run out of fuel and requires a technician to restart, there will be an additional service fee.

Do I have to be home when you deliver my oil?

If you choose to phone in your oil delivery requests with per-delivery billing (cash or check upon delivery), we would be happy to accommodate you, but please be aware that these deliveries require 48 hours’ notice, though you may receive your fuel sooner if scheduling permits. Same day deliveries are subject to a surcharge, and if your system has run out of fuel and requires a technician to restart, there will be an additional service fee.

Is oil heat safe?

Oil heat is very safe and, in fact, is considered the safest and most economical type of heat. Oil heat also produces more BTU’s per gallon than the equivalent amount of natural gas, so it warms your home quicker, safer and more cost effectively.

What is a "winter mix" and should I have it?

In very cold locations, such as an unheated garage or outside, fuel oil can "gel” when the temperature gets below freezing. Heating oil will thicken and not flow properly into the furnace. “Winter mix” consists of a mixture of heating oil and a liquid additive that is formulated to reduce or eliminate gelling and ensure proper flow of oil to your furnace. The additive is added directly to the fuel oil at the time of delivery for a small additional charge.

Do I have to be home when you deliver my oil?

No one needs to be home as long as the location of the tank’s fill pipe is clearly marked and arrangements for payment have been made.

Do you have automatic delivery?

Yes. Automatic (auto) delivery provides you with convenience and peace of mind by having your heating oil delivered automatically and charged to your account. Through our computerized degree-day monitoring system, you never have to worry about running out of heating oil, monitoring your oil tank gauge, or having to make extra phone calls to schedule deliveries. Contact us or call (203) 309-8299 to set up this free service.

What should I do if my heating system is having problems or doesn’t work?

If you are an oil delivery customer and are having problems with your heating system (sputtering sounds, going on & off frequently, etc.), contact us or call (203) 309-8299 to schedule a service appointment.

If your heating system is not working at all, the first thing to do is check if:
  • You are out of fuel;
  • The circuit breaker for your heating unit has been tripped;
  • The Emergency Burner Switch has not accidentally been turned off (see Manufacturer instructions for details);
  • The Thermostat setting is above room temperature and has not been turned off. 

If none of these conditions exist, you can try pressing the Reset Button on your burner (see Manufacturer instructions). If your heating unit does not come on and stay on, call (203) 309-8299 for emergency service. We have fully-licensed service technicians available on standby for emergencies. 

Why should I schedule an annual heating tune-up?

Scheduling a tune-up is a great idea for two main reasons. It keeps your heating system running safely and at peak efficiency, which lowers your energy bills. It also reduces the risk of unexpected system malfunctions and breakdowns while increasing the lifespan of your heating equipment. If your system has not been tuned up in over a year, contact us or call (203) 309-8299 to schedule your appointment.

When is the best time to schedule a heating tune-up?

While tune-ups can be done at any time of the year, the summer is the perfect time to schedule an appointment. By taking advantage of the slow season, you can schedule a time that fits your busy schedule instead of having to settle for what's available during the busy winter months. And by scheduling your tune-up in the summer, you can avoid the stress of wondering if your heating system will work properly when the cold returns.

Call us today at (203) 309-8299 for more information.

Do you offer annual maintenance agreements?

While Stamford Home Oil does not offer an annual
maintenance agreement, we do provide a full range of maintenance, repair, and replacement services.

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Contact us
Stamford Home Oil Logo
Business Address: 7 Ryan Street | Stamford, CT 06907
Mailing Address: PO Box 4761 | Stamford, CT 06907
Office (203) 309-8299
Fax (203) 267-9339
Copyright © 2022 – 2025 Stamford Home Oil • All Rights Reserved

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Business Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

After Hours Emergencies: 
Call (203)309-8299

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